With only a couple of weeks to go before London Youth Opera takes to the stage at The Shaw Theatre in London for the World Premiere of our new opera ‘The Quest that I co-created with composer Nathan Williamson, It’s hard not to be over the top excited!
Every time I’ve popped into rehearsals there’s always something new to grab your attention. Last time it was to meet two new members of the cast who’d newly arrived from abroad. Yes, all the way from the USA I was pleased to meet Dilly, the Prime Ministers dog, and Larry his trusty cat!
It would be remiss of me to reveal how their roles develop within the Opera, so I won’t do that, but suffice to say that a prestigious ex-Warhorse puppeteer came into rehearsals especially to instruct cast members on how they prefer to move around the stage. If you are intrigued, then you’ve got to come and see the show!
Here’s a quick synopsis:
We are reaching for the moon…
Stan Wiseman and Gretchen Flett, the chosen two, join a group of brilliant young scientists who believe they are on the cusp of solving the world’s environmental problems and saving the planet, but who struggle against a corrupt government, who are intent on exploiting them for their own ends.
The question becomes , will they stick to their quest and fulfil their promise to humanity, or will they have their heads turned by the fame and fortune offered to them by the alluring but corrupt politicians?
Inspired by Auden and Isherwood, this opera depicts a group of young people who, against a backdrop of social media, fake news and malign political influences, has to make a choice between power, fame and personal fortune or true friendships, integrity, and working for the greater good.
Their QUEST could change the world…
See you at the show!