
The Quest… Rehearsals Have Begun at LYO!

MD Alastair Me and Nathan WilliamsonMD Alastair, Me and Nathan WilliamsonThe last time you heard from me I hadn’t quite completed the final draft of the libretto of The Quest and Nathan Williamson, the Composer still had his head down working on the music. But I can now announce that not only is the Opera libretto finished, the score is complete too and rehearsals have begun at London Youth Opera to get ready for the World Premier on the 14th/ 15th of December 2024 at The Shaw Theatre in London.

It’s all incredibly exciting but at the same time quite nerve racking too. Just presenting our work for scrutiny to a young energetic cast, that have high aspirations and a reputation for doing great shows, I can tell you is pretty daunting,

…we have a lot to live up to.

London Youth Opera can boast that they are the only opera company exclusively staging original commissions written for, and performed exclusively by, children. Something that Nathan and I are hugely delighted about.

But staging a good production isn’t simply about the performance. Behind the scenes of LYO and supporting the young cast, are a talented bunch of adults notably the Musical Director Alastair Chilvers, choreographer, Maggie Rawlinson and the Director, Madeleine Allegra Brooks, to name only three, as well as costume, lighting and set designers, all professionals working in the Theatre/ Opera.

This unique opera company has a history of fifty one years behind it. Starting out as W11 Opera for Young People, it now has children from seventeen boroughs in London taking part in their productions. It’s totally inclusive and it even offers bursaries for children to take part for those who can’t afford to pay.

Sing through evening with Professional singers for LYO TrusteesSing through evening with Professional singers for LYO TrusteesMuch of the ‘Joie de Vivre’ and inspiration for success is down to the charismatic leadership of the Chairman Clara Andersson and her committed and passionate team, who create a tremendously friendly atmosphere.

So no pressure then… Now you can see why Nathan and I were both feeling a tad nervous as we arrived for the Monday evening rehearsal of The Quest at a Church Hall in Holland Park, to hear a sing through of the first few scenes of the opera for the very the first time.

There was a palpable buzz as we walked into the hall. Some willing helpers were setting out chairs around the grand piano while the MD Alastair (Ali) was sorting out the score, and preparing to start the vocal warm up.

The cast, ranging in age from 9 to 18 were all busy letting off steam from being in school and were chatting to their friends. Others sat around eager to begin.

The vocal warm up was over.

Then there was silence. Alastair was ready to begin. He struck the opening chords of the opera with all eyes on him. Then there was a wonderful moment as the cast of strong clear voices, began to sing the opening few bars of the first scene, setting the mood for what was to come. Then suddenly a gear change in the music and the cast were onto the next scene; where they were strongly protesting about the Government policy on the city streets. The music was pumping, the energy high and they all looked totally engaged.... Result!

the vocal scoreThe Vocal ScoreIf I could have high fived Nathan at that point I would have… but well… I’m one of the grown ups…aren’t I?? So I just nudged him instead and told him, he’d nailed it with music!

It was clear to see as the children forgot about us watching them and naturally applauded each other’s efforts that The Quest was fast becoming a living and breathing entity ready to grow week by week in rehearsal. It was now their opera , written for them and the young cast were happily taking ownership.

We couldn’t be more delighted… It’s in good hands.

If you want know more about it and book tickets do so here.

Watch this space for updates.

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